2 days ago

267 - Olam Haba (Part-11)

We've been discussing about the components that the Torah commentaries outline to us of what will transpire in the next world, after we pass on from this world. We know that there are two seemingly paradoxical forms of serving Hashem. One is when we employ the side of fear and the consequences for our actions, and the other is motivation out of our absolute love for Hashem. Many commentaries teach that in order to come to the higher level of absolute love for Hashem, we first need to start with the motivation of fear of Hashem. And as we've been discussing, it's so important for us to internalize the truth of what is in store for us, because by doing so we are able to then take our lives much more seriously and thereby b'ezrat Hashem and our maximum potential in the world to come for eternity.

As we've discussed many times, Hashem created the world just to give to us, and our job in this world is to have the opportunity to be able to earn our place for eternity. It's so important when we do relate to topics of fear of heaven and the negative consequences in the world to come, that we always keep at the forefront of our mind the initial reason why Hashem decided to create the world. Hashem is not out to get us. Hashem only decided to create the world because He wants to give us unlimited pleasure for eternity. And the only reason that we have this opportunity to choose between good and bad is because He wants to make the good even better by giving us the free choice and opportunity to choose good. 

But again, because this is the way the world has been designed, there is an opportunity to choose evil, both on a large scale as well as even the smallest of actions, every one of us in our own way. With the fast-paced world that we live in, it's not always easy to catch ourselves for the sins we might be committing and the missed opportunities we might have been able to grab onto. As we've discussed many times in this daily inspiration, we know that the Torah commentary is write, that if you want to summarize our job in this world into one word, that word is emunah. And as we've talked about many times previously, one of the most basic expressions of emunah is when we talk to Hashem, because if I believe Hashem exists, can hear what I'm saying and can help me more than anyone else, I will certainly reach out to Him about whatever endeavor I might be dealing with. And no less should we be reaching out to Hashem with regards to our spiritual endeavors than more practical areas in our lives. 

"Hashem, my dear Father, thank You so much for teaching me the truth of why I exist. Thank You so much, Abba, for deciding to create this world for one objective. You don't need this world; You are perfect in Your core, but You just wanted to create us to be able to give to us. That's the only reason that You created us for. Thank You so much, Hashem, for giving us the opportunity not only to bask in Your light and pleasure for eternity, but You in Your great kindness willed it that we should be able to also live in this world, to be able to earn an even greater place for the next world. And Hashem, You have taught us that the more mitzvos that we do, and the more we listen to Your instructions from the Torah, the higher place we will earn in eternity. Please, Hashem, can You help me to work out in my personal life which are the areas that I can do better in. Hashem, I'm going to take a certain amount of time right now to try to really think about where I might have some missed mitzvah opportunities, and where, even slightly, I might be committing transgressions. Please, Hashem, help me to find the truth and be able to just become better and better each day. 

And Hashem, You have also given us one of the most incredible gifts, to be able to do teshuva and repent for anything and everything I might have committed in the past. Please, Hashem, accept my repentance for all my transgressions. And as we've learned from the Gemara, please help me to do my teshuva with sincerity and out of love for You, and to turn those transgressions of mine into mitzvos. Hashem, I know that the more that I have olam haba, the next world, which is ultimately our final destination for eternity, at the forefront of my mind, the more I am able to remain in the right place of what real reality is. Please, Hashem, help me to be successful in my endeavour to internalize more and more each day of what true reality is. Olam Haba."

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