Friday Jan 03, 2025

228 - The Jewish Leader

Torah authorities explain that emunah can be divided into three different segments. The first one is to build our emunah and bitachon in Hashem, which is the main focus of this daily inspiration that we've been discussing every day. The second type of emunah that the Torah authorities discuss is emunas chachamim, to believe in the words of the sages. The Midrash teaches that we are supposed to reach such a high level of belief in the words of the sages that even if they would tell us that the right is the left or the left is the right, something completely counterintuitive to our understanding, we should believe their words. 

Now of course, to reach such a level of faith in the words of the sages needs to be based on understanding why I should do so, and also it needs to be defined who is considered part of the sages. Let's discuss the Ramban at the end of Parashas Bo, who explains the following: In times of old, there were three types of idolaters. Some of them denied Hashem's existence at all, whereas others admitted that Hashem does exist but assumed that He doesn't know what's going on in the world. And a third category of people admitted that Hashem does exist and knows what's going on in the world, but according to their mistaken approach, Hashem doesn't care about what goes on in the world. And all these approaches are types of avodah zarah, of idol worship. 

And as the Ramban there explains, because Hashem wanted to give people the opportunity to move away from these forms of idol worship and rather move towards a real meaningful life according to the values of Emunah, Hashem changed the laws of nature when He performed the miracles at the exodus from Egypt, such as the plagues and the splitting of the sea. And the Ramban explains that after this happened, people now had the opportunity to clearly believe that Hashem runs the show and the world does not just operate according to the laws of nature, but rather Hashem is orchestrating every single moment.

However, Ramban adds an additional point which was gained through this episode, in that Moshe Rabbeinu, the leader of the Jewish people, predicted the miracles before they transpired at the exodus from Egypt. And therefore, after the miracles happened, not only did the people gain a belief in Hashem, but they also gained a belief that this Moshe Rabbeinu had a particularly close relationship with Hashem and his advice must be heeded. So just like the people were able to acknowledge Hashem's existence after this experience, similarly they were able to acknowledge Moshe Rabbeinu's role as a leader of the Jewish people.

It is well known that the Torah was given to Moshe Rabbeinu in two forms, one is the written Torah and secondly, he was given many teachings orally. The Mishnayos in Pirkei Avos discuss how from generation to generation, those laws that were transmitted from Hashem to Moshe Rabbeinu directly, were passed down from generation to generation via specific leaders who were chosen to be the leaders of those generations. And the Rambam, in the introduction to the Mishnah, outlines all the leaders, even in times much closer to ours, that their chain of tradition can be traced all the way back to Moshe Rabbeinu, who received it directly from Hashem.

May we all merit to excel in all the different forms of Emunah that the Torah commentaries teach us ultimately stem from Emunah in Hashem. Of course in our Emunah and Bitachon endeavour itself, to grow in our belief and reliance on Hashem, but also by extension, to believe in the words of the sages. For whatever reason, usually in today's day and age, Hashem does not reveal Himself to us in an openly revealed manner, but rather, the way He communicates to us is via the information that He relays to us in His Torah, both in the written Torah as well as in the oral Torah. 

Let us then appreciate that all parts of the Torah, both the written Torah, as well as the entirety of the oral Torah, including all of the words of the sages, are ultimately the words of Hashem. And just like we are called on to build our belief in Hashem Himself, let us also make our maximum effort to build our belief in the words of the sages - Emunas Chachamim.

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